new life... aku skng da smbung study kt uitm shah alam... course ape?? course retailing.. thu kh anda ape e2 retailing?? rmai y blur bile aku ckp retail.. maybe sbb jarang kot dgr cos ni... n only faculty shah alam SAHAJA y ada cos ni... ni kire part dlm business jugk laa... utk korunk y betol2 nk jd business man or women ley la mik cos ni....
so kt cni new environment la utk aku.. n b'syukur coz aku dpt umah y selesa n nyaman... n ada 4kawan y baek...
first... y mmg x leh lari dr b'same... cik fatin shuhada... tokew tudung at shuhada collection..
sape nk beli tudung bawal pelbagai style.. boleh la klik link kt ats 2...
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ni la kak faten nyer.... :) |
second is cik izzati baharuddin... akk y garang dlm mse y sme comel and sedikit gedik.. kelakar pon ada... huhuhuhu... jgn mrah ye zt.. huhuhu..
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e2 dye izzati kitew.. |
dye da menjdi kwan aku selama 3 thun b'turut2... sme cm fatin.. n 2 thun degree ni insyaAllah friendship 2 akan stay together... kteorg mik same cos... and same class... bak kte mak aku.. degree is not the time for you to enjoy your life and find new friends.. just stick with the person that you comfortable with.. so that no smaller problems will come... and ckp mak aku 2 de betol nyer.. lau sibuk dok cari kwn baru.. aku akn tmbh serabutkn otak aku nan msalah utk sesuaikn diri dgn kwn2 baru... tp 2 bkn b'mkne aku x perlu kwn nan org len kn...
third person is..............
ni cik qilah... dlu time diploma x la rapat sgt.. coz kteorg len2 cos... dye dak banking.. n aku business...
tp pnh 1 class dlm sesetgh subject.. n dye gk pnh jd jiran aku kt hostel.. so pnh tegur2.. n borak2.. n dye jugk kwn nan kwn aku... so kire she is the friend of a friend... kebetolan sambung degree ni kteorg dpt cos serupe.. n 1 klas... :)
lastly cik abg y sorunk ni....
ni cik abg is kite.. iskandar fikri.. pelik knape aku ltk jugk dye dlm friend aku???? hahahaha... sbb dye kwn bru aku y aku knl.. n dye jugk 1 group dgn aku... sgt kelakar... lurus... dn juge comel... hak3... mst pelik part aku ckp comel 2 kn??? huhuhuhu... bkn comel mke dye.. tp perangai dye laaa...
sgt ske angry bird and teddy bear and colour pink... n sgt sensitif bile ckp sal adik dye,. sbb dye syg adik dye sgt2...
utamakn family... siap ada hari bersame family... so mmg xleh kacau hari sabtu dye... bile aku nan kwn2 ajk dye pomteng klas p tgk wayang.. muke dye pon terus b'ubah... wt mke ketat... hahahaha... sbb dye nk p klas sgt2... huhuhuhu.. baek kn??? n dye ske sgt bahan org.. bile dgr dye bahan zeti.. aku nan fatin gelak x berhenti2...
2 je la wt mse ni kwn2 y aku nk story kt korunk... a part of my life at uitm shah alam... ok 2 jer nk story tok mlm ni.. smbung len kali bile rajin k... <3